عبارات لا تقولها لشخص يعاني من حالة مزمنة

إن التعامل مع الأشخاص الذين يتعايشون مع حالات مزمنة بطريقة صحيحة يجعل حياة هؤلاء الأشخاص طبيعية وخالية من المشكلات، ولأن العامل النفسي من أهم الأمور التي يجب مراعاتها، فسوف نعرفكم على مجموعة من العبارات التي يجب عدم قولها لشخص يتعايش مع حالة مزمنة مثل السكري وارتفاع ضغط الدم. أشعر أنك متوتر إن قول مثل هذه […]
Janumet 101

Is Janumet the same as metformin? And what is used for? Janumet and Metformin aren’t the exact same drug despite the fact that both are used in treatment of type 2 diabetes. Janumet is a powerful type 2 diabetes medicine that combines Sitagliptin and Metformin and is used to lower blood sugar more than metformin […]
What you need to know about Insulin?

Consuming carbohydrates will result in producing Glucose which is a type of Sugar. Glucose is used in the body as a major source of energy for the body’s cells. And this is where insulin comes into play, it will help and allow your body to use glucose for that energy and balance it’s levels. So […]
What you need to know about Metformin?

Metformin is a drug that belongs to a class known as ‘Biguanides’, mainly we use it to treat type 2 diabetes. It has a unique mechanism of action because it: works by increasing cells sensitivity to insulin which will lead to increased ability of glucose uptake. decreases the: amount of glucose made by the liver. […]
How to Prevent Kidney Disease with Diabetes

If you have diabetes, high blood sugars can damage the blood vessels in your kidneys. As a result, this damage can break down the filtering system, which gets rid of waste and extra fluid and lead to kidney disease or diabetic nephropathy. Download the alma health app now! Fully licensed by the Department of Health […]
5 Diabetes Superfoods

Having advised hundreds of patients with diabetes, we have compiled 5 of the best foods to eat! These superfoods have a low glycemic index; they gradually raise your blood sugar, without dangerous spikes. It is important to remember portion control whenever you eat anything! Even if something is healthy, eating too much can stop you […]
Diabetes Plate Method: A Visual Guide to Eating Healthy Food

Eating healthy food doesn’t have to be boring! One of the first questions that patients ask when being diagnosed with diabetes is, what can I eat? We, at Alma Health, are here to tell you, that with the right method, you can eat a variety of delicious foods, while keeping your sugar levels in target […]
6 Tips to Avoid Pain when Injecting Insulin

In our previous post, we discussed why some medications need to be injected. In today’s blog, we will provide you with tips on how to reduce pain when injecting insulin. These tips apply to most subcutaneous (SQ) injections; deliver the medicine into the fat layer between skin and muscle. For specific injection techniques, please read […]
No more needles! Why can’t we eat our drugs?

YOU Asked. We Answered! No one likes getting shots! If you or a loved one are prescribed insulin or some other self-injectable medication, you might wonder why can’t you just take a pill instead! There are many different types of injections, but in today’s blog, we will focus on injections you administer on yourself or […]
Diabetes Risk Factors

Chronic conditions are the major cause of death and disability worldwide. Knowing risk factors for a chronic conditions, including diabetes, can help you prevent or delay it. Even if you already have a chronic condition, knowing these risk factors can help you better manage it. In this blog, we will discuss the main risk factors for […]
What is Diabetes?

Overview Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how your body turns food into energy. Most of the food you eat is broken down into sugar (glucose) and released into your bloodstream. When your blood sugar goes up, it signals your pancreas to release insulin. Insulin is a hormone that allows your […]