
Improving the wellbeing of people with chronic conditions one article at a time
What are the Causes Of Obesity?

Obesity is an excessive or abnormal accumulation of body fat that can harm health. This condition can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, making it essential to understand the causes of obesity and risk factors. Follow this article to find more details

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Low Blood Sugar Symptoms: Get to know them

Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar levels drop below normal, which can be a health risk! It is essential to recognize the low blood sugar symptoms and understand how to deal with them, Let’s discuss the details below:

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Crestor 101 - Alma Health
Crestor 101

Medically known as Rosuvastatin, it is used to correct the levels of lipids, fatty substances in the blood, the most common of which is cholesterol. How does it work? It works

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Xarelto 101 - Alma Health
Xarelto 101

What is Xarelto used for? Rivaroxaban, or otherwise known as Xarelto is a prescription medicine used to: Reduce stroke and blood clots risk in people who are having a medical condition

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Janumet 101 - Alma Health
Janumet 101

Is Janumet the same as metformin? And what is used for? Janumet and Metformin aren’t the exact same drug despite the fact that both are used in treatment of type 2

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